Beijing just doesn't
get Hong Kong July 1 march By Philip Bowring (IHT) Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Since a year ago, the economy has picked up and unemployment has
declined. But 500,000 people still came onto the streets, braving record
heat and suffocating pollution. The lessons for Beijing go beyond
constitutional issues.
Hong Kong's protests are an assertion of its right to be different; to
implement the "One Country, Two Systems" concept, to retain freedoms of
expression and not to be bossed around by party apparatchiks and local big
business protecting its oligarchic privileges and mainland investments.
Beijing need not worry too much about Hong Kong per se. It is too small
and its population too well-behaved to cause the instability that Beijing
purports to fear as a byproduct of liberal ideas.
But the lessons are there, and if not learned could eventually result
in a repeat of the student uprisings of 1989. They may not be learned if
Beijing closes its mind to the fact of the demonstrations as illustrated
by its news media either ignoring it or providing a willfully dishonest
explanation of the Hong Kong crowds.
Indeed, mainland denial has only reinforced Hong Kong's fears of an
erosion of its freedoms. These have been under threat from a nasty mix of
personal threats against outspoken people, tycoon pressure on the media
and mainland demands for "patriotism."
Beijing believes that prosperity and removal of many social controls
have dimmed memories of 1989 and that continuing economic growth will buy
stability for one-party rule. But Hong Kong suggests that this formula
does not last forever, even assuming that fast growth can continue without
an occasional sharp recession.
July 1 also showed that Hong Kong was resentful of patronizing claims
that the economy had picked up thanks to the beneficence of Beijing. For
sure, it has benefited from mainland growth as well as from the global
But people are well aware that the Tung Chee-hwa government grossly
exaggerates the benefits of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
(CEPA) with the mainland, which was hastily concluded last year.
While Tung trots out patriotic phrases about profiting from closer
cross-border links, ambitious Pearl River Delta administrations are busy
competing more fiercely with Hong Kong. Unlike Tung, local officials on
the mainland usually put local interests first.
The demonstration was as much driven by dissatisfaction with the nature
and quality of Hong Kong government as by the lack of political
The two are now closely connected. Beijing's efforts to discipline
incompetent and corrupt officials may at times seem half-hearted, but in
principle it recognizes that venality is a major threat to party rule. Yet
Tung's government has appeared even less willing than its master to admit
error or to dispense with incompetent officials.
The Hong Kong demonstrators clearly had in their sights the connections
between politics and big business in Hong Kong. Barely a day goes by
without one property tycoon or another being given some special deal.
In the past two weeks two companies controlled by the biggest of them
all, former Tung business associate Li Ka-shing of the Cheung
Kong/Hutchison group, have received the latest of many waivers from the
rules of the stock exchange.
Vested interests also ride roughshod over Hong Kong's rapidly
deteriorating environment and conspire with bureaucrats to bypass good
governance procedures in the name of "development." The central government
is trying to fight similar ills on the mainland, but is effectively
encouraging them in Hong Kong.
These abuses do not in themselves prove the merit of government being
elected by all, but they certainly create the kind of resentments that led
to 1989.
It is naturally hard for a communist party system to allow
diversification of political power. But for its own preservation it needs
to recognize the sentiments at work in Hong Kong.
If it is unwilling to soften its position on the franchise, it should
at least learn lessons from China's recent history and replace its
appointees with ones Hong Kong people believe to be trustworthy and
dedicated to advancing Hong Kong's interests. |
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