Time for Arroyo to
get tough Politics in the Philippines By Philip Bowring (IHT) Wednesday, June 2, 2004
It takes an effort of will to believe that the election of President
Gloria Arroyo can provide a fresh start for the country and lead to a
sustained progress in addressing fundamental problems.
She promised in 2002 that she would not run for president this year
and, unbound by electoral consequences, that she would devote herself to
strong administration. That promise was broken, but she can yet redeem it.
The prescription is obvious enough. The means of delivery is the issue.
Now the president has a popular mandate, as distinct from 2001, when
she became president after a constitutionally dubious "people power" coup
against President Joseph Estrada. It may be another month before the
creaky electoral machinery finally declares her the official winner. It
will probably be longer before sore losers stop crying "fraud" and accept
that this election has been as fair as any in a country where local ballot
manipulations are not uncommon. At the latest count Arroyo had 40 percent
of the popular vote, compared with 37 percent for her nearest rival, the
actor Fernando Po, and a combined 23 percent for the three trailing
candidates - a healthy enough margin.
As important as Arroyo's margin of victory is the success of most of
the pro-administration candidates for the Senate. If her coalition Senate
can hold together, she should now have the capacity to push through
government-backed legislation. The notoriously fractious Senate might
become a more constructive body than it has been in recent years with a
young, eloquent Liberal party senator as its majority leader.
There are indeed grounds for hope that political parties - long of
little account in a nation where politics has been largely about
personalities - are gaining ground. This election has shown voters to be
more wary of television stars and other celebrity candidates, and some
political dynasties that have long dominated local politics have also been
A further boost to issue-based rather than the personality-based
politics - which the elite favors as entertainment for the masses and a
prop to the status quo - is on its way. On the agenda of the new Arroyo
administration will be laws implementing constitutional provisions against
legislators switching party allegiance, and to provide government funds
for established parties. Philippine problems are more about the
implementation than enactment of laws. Nonetheless, any improvement in the
quality of the legislature should rub off on the standard of governance.
That has to start with making people, in particular the elite and the
corporate world, pay their taxes. The Philippines has one of the lowest
ratio of tax revenue to gross domestic product in the world - 14 percent.
That explains why it has a huge budget deficit at the same time as there
is no money for roads, education, irrigation and other public
infrastructure, and vast sums of World Bank and other aid lie idle.
Meanwhile new SUVs create gridlock in Manila.
Everyone knows what needs to be done. Arroyo has taken a few steps to
try to clean up tax administration. Is she strong enough to take on the
elite, and the notoriously corrupt bureaucracy that eats out of its hand?
Strong enough to cut the links between government and corporate favors?
Just possibly she might find some of her father's nationalist and
antifeudal zeal.
The Catholic Church could help her battle corruption and elitism, but
unfortunately it remains the obstacle to solving what is the resource-poor
nation's biggest single problem - its birth rate. It is plain enough that
much of East Asia's success in raising living standards has been to
achieved by drastically reducing birth rates. The Philippines has the
highest rate east of Pakistan. Arroyo has shied away from this issue
before, but not needing to be re-elected she may feel strong enough to
take on the church. A larger than expected vote for Panfilo Lacson, the
only candidate with a family-planning policy, suggests that the populace
may want a lead from the president, not the Vatican.
Attitudes in the Philippines about many things are changing, albeit
slowly. Leftist, issue-oriented parties able to enter Congress through a
list system are growing. Good governance, scarce as it is, is an issue.
Overseas Filipinos can now vote - and could well be decisive in close
elections. Above all, migrant workers are returning not just with cash but
with knowledge of how things are done in a wider world where rich people
pay taxes, corruption is less pervasive and bishops do not make policies
on personal matters.
Yes, it takes an effort of will. But there is a chance that Arroyo's
six years in elected office will see Philippine democracy begin to deliver
the changes that society, and the economy, so badly
need. |
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