Asia should be
worrying about its dollar reserves America's dangerous deficit By Philip Bowring (IHT) Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Faced with unsustainable, unserviceable debt levels, most countries,
like most corporations, default. But those too powerful or too big to fail
may prefer to change the rules.
U.S. foreign debt is not giving Alan Greenspan sleepless nights. He
clearly believes the combination of Asian savings, the reserve role of the
dollar and the ingenuity of Wall Street can continue to fund external
deficits of more than $300 billion a year. But all financial systems rest
on confidence both in technical sustainability and the political will to
sacrifice other considerations to maintain that stability. On both counts,
worries are growing for Asia.
U.S. liabilities now exceed assets by around $3 trillion. U.S. direct
and equity investments overseas are still slightly greater than foreign
ownership of U.S. businesses, equities and real estate. But foreigners
hold more than a net $3 trillion of U.S. debt, mostly bonds issued by the
U.S. government, agencies and corporations. Most of that is owned in Asia.
Debt is always at risk from default, inflation or renegotiation. Direct
and equity investment - in which Europe predominates - is less vulnerable.
The U.S. deficit has been growing for so long that cries of "wolf" now
fall on deaf ears. But could this year's likely current account shortfall
of more than $500 billion be the final straw? No one knows, but the
dollar's weakness has raised warning flags.
Meanwhile confidence in U.S. political will to sustain a system based
on a sound dollar and free trade principles may be eroding. The
persistence of unemployment despite economic growth, the emergence of
outsourcing as an issue and the impact of John Edwards' job-focused
campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination suggest there are
doubts in America about a system which has promoted U.S. consumption but
raised debt levels to unprecedented levels and, arguably, failed to
deliver jobs.
Which is where history kicks in. A key element of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's New Deal to combat the Depression was effective debt reduction
achieved by devaluing the dollar against gold, nationalizing private gold
holdings and disallowing debt obligations expressed in gold. That may have
been good economic policy, but underlined official willingness to put
broader - and electoral - interests ahead of contract principles.
Likewise in 1971, President Richard Nixon, faced with the consequences
of Vietnam "guns and butter" spending, tore up the Bretton Woods system by
ending the convertibility of dollars into gold.
Even assuming that the U.S. deficit can, via a mix of currency changes,
higher savings and faster global growth, be brought down to a sustainable
level, there will be an issue of the accumulated debt overhang. Any
serious Asian attempts at asset diversification - Asian countries now hold
at least 70 percent of their reserves in dollars - would create a dollar
crisis. If Asian countries traded their bonds for other U.S. assets, bond
yields would soar, causing another kind of crisis. For Asians to import
more would not help unless it was from the United States.
So, will the United States eventually have to link use of those
reserves to specific additional purchases of U.S. goods and services? Will
Asian mercantilists find that payback time has come for their rigged
exchange rates and nontariff trade barriers?
The bottom line is that Asian bondholders are uniquely vulnerable to
any changes in U.S. rules designed, however unfairly, to protect the
American economy from the consequences of debt. The lack of a sufficient
alternative to the dollar puts the United States in a strong position. In
the 1960s, Britain suffered from the overhang of the sterling area -
creditors such as Hong Kong had to be given guarantees against
devaluation. The United States has no such constraints. It could place
controls on central bank use of U.S. Treasuries, as it did on sales of
gold in 1971.
Meanwhile Asian central banks have a smaller nightmare. If their
currencies are revalued, their own losses will be enormous - their assets
are in dollars, their liabilities are in local currency. That may seem an
accounting technicality, but it is another illustration of the problems
created by America's reckless willingness to borrow and Asia's willingness
to buy debt without looking at the small print of history. |
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