Hongkong: The death
of Sir Philip Haddon-Cave is a reminder of the standards and qualities
we ought to be able to expect of top civil servants.
The death of Sir Philip Haddon-Cave
has been a reminder of the
qualities one should look for in senior
civil servants, and
which have been becoming rarer in the
14 years since he
The Haddon-Cave ethos is especially
important now that the
Tung Chee-hwa government has made so
clear its determination
to move back from quasi-representative
government to his
"executive-led" formula. In other words,
Tung is taking it
back to the same principles as existed
in the Haddon-cave
heyday of a strong colonial bureaucratic
executive and rubber
stamp legislature. But does it also
have the procedural
ethical checks and balances which Haddon-Cave
believed were
central to good government? To be a
senior civil servant was a
vocation, to be satisfied by integrity
and performance.
Strict procedures and balances and
were necessary to prevent
colonial paternalism degenerating into
arbitrary exercise of
power and the tendency of power to
One principle of the colonial civil
service that Haddon-Cave
practiced was that on retirement senior
servants should leave
the territory and rely on their generous
pensions rather than
stay around using their connections
and status to acquire well
paid but un-onerous directorships of
local companies in the
belief, real or imagined, that their
connections can deliver
commercial benefits. Departure is not
an option for local
civil servant retirees, but the principle
behind it should
still hold.
Another principle of Haddon-Cave was
never to comment publicly
on the performance of his successors
or attempt to influence
the fundamental policies of the government.
Though in a
colonial set-up civil servants had
to take political decisions
they were not politicians. They were
paid for by the community
at large and as far as possible should
be seen to be neutral,
doing their best for public interests
within the context of
the political framework.
It is noteable that in respect of both
the above principles,
the Haddon-Cave philosophy was discarded
by his successor, Sir
David Akers-Jones, who used his position
in retirement in a
miserable effort to try to undermine
the policies of the
Patten administration.
Haddon-Cave was a died-in-the-wool colonial
paternalist who
had no great enthusiasm for moves towards
government, perhaps failing to see
how it could be used to
defend some of the principles he held
dear against arbitrary
or corrupt tendencies. However, he
was a firm believer in the
need to justify his actions to the
public. Many thought his
budget speeches long and boring. But
they were intellectual
feats which his successors did not
try to equal. Here was all
the detail and all the thinking, all
the theoretical and
practical explanation for his decisions.
Policies sat within a
complete intellectual framework, they
were not just a series
of ad hoc measures to meet particular
circumstances. Many of
his guidelines survive unaltered. He
was prepared to argue his
case to the full, but also face bebuttal.
He was, for example,
in favour of a dividend tax and appointed
a tax reform
commission he set up to examine this
and other proposals. He
accepted the commission's rejection
of dividend tax with good
grace. He also showed the utmost respect
for judicial
decision, even if he had good reason
to doubt the wisdom or
sobriety of a particular judge. In
sum, he knew that
institutions not individuals were the
bedrock of good
Despite a forbiddingly English manner,
and a curious distaste
for Chinese food, Haddon-Cave was very
open to journalists so
long as they showed they had done their
homework. He enjoyed a
good debate and genuinely believed
that civil servants had a
duty to be able to defend their decisions
in public. He did so
with intellectual assurance but personal
humility. Indeed,
that a is quality that Haddon-Cave's
most fervent admirer and
sole intellectual equal in the current
administration, Joseph
Yam, could yet learn from his late
In short, Haddon-Cave needs to be remembered
because he
represented most of the better instincts
of colonial
bureaucracy. Now some of the worst
instincts of that type are
in the ascendant.