China and Hong Kong:
No more nice guy China and Hong Kong By Philip Bowring (IHT) Saturday, February 14, 2004
On Tuesday, Beijing laid down its law for Hong Kong. The territory can
be a marketplace for money - not least a laundry for the illegal exactions
of mainland officials. But it must not be a marketplace where ideas for
political change can be debated and acted upon. Bourgeois ideas of
elections, representative government, are as anathema now as they were to
the Chinese revolutionaries. Authoritarianism, as ever, comes dressed as
After mass demonstrations on July 1 last year and again last month,
Hong Kong is supposed to be debating political reform to take effect
before the choosing of the next chief executive in 2007 and legislative
elections in 2008. The government recently appointed a task force to take
soundings and come up with recommendations. But any hopes that people
would be able to make their own decisions within the framework of Hong
Kong's mini-constitution, the Basic Law, were quickly dashed.
The three officials leading the task force were summoned to Beijing
last weekend and lectured. Xinhua, the official Chinese news service, made
no secret of the message, publishing a stark list of instructions that
Hong Kong must follow.
These included the subservience of the "Two Systems" (that is, Hong
Kong's separate one) to "One Country" (China), and of the concept of a
"high degree of autonomy" to authorization by the central government. The
promise of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" was qualified by the
requirement that they be "patriots" - Beijing code for its acolytes.
Hong Kong must continue to have an "executive-led" government - in
other words, one led by Beijing-selected executives rather than by elected
legislators. Any changes in methods of choosing officials and legislators
was subject to Beijing's permission, the Basic Law notwithstanding.
In short, words mean whatever Beijing wants them to mean.
The bluntness of Xinhua seemed a throwback to 1993 when Beijing
reverted to the language of the Cultural Revolution, describing Governor
Chris Patten as a "whore" and "criminal of a thousand years" for
attempting to introduce a measure of representative government.
Two things are different today. The chief executive is a Beijing
appointee, and Hong Kong is much more politically aware, with the middle
classes especially hankering to play a bigger role in government. The
democrats enjoy more popular support than an administration filled with
placemen and with obvious links to business oligopolies and sleazy deals.
People have been demanding more democracy not just for its own sake,
but as a means to more accountable government. Beijing cannot readily buy
popular support, so it has entered into an alliance of convenience with
"patriotic" vested interests which serve it in the short term but risk its
longer term alienation.
After the July 1 demonstration, China seemed to understand that popular
discontent was aimed at the Hong Kong government, not at Beijing. But now
it is reverting to type, regarding any criticism of its appointees as an
attack on itself.
Beijing is upset by any challenge to its authority, however indirect.
It appears to fear that, as in Taiwan, popular elections will bring
demands for ever greater autonomy and ultimately independence. But Beijing
is unwilling to recognize that the desire for democratic self-government
to which educated, prosperous societies (Chinese or otherwise) aspire has
been fostered by intemperate words from Beijing. The more they are told
they cannot or should not have it, the more they want it.
Beijing did not even bother to wait for the Taiwan presidential
election before issuing the fiat. This suggests the final death of Deng
Xiaoping's hope that successful implementation in Hong Kong of his "One
Country, Two Systems" formula would draw Taiwan into a similar
arrangement. The people of Taiwan have mostly been skeptical of Beijing's
promises. Now they have reason to know that at best they are of limited
duration and subject to Beijing's definition of patriotism.
The Xinhua statement may just be an extreme initial position. In
practice, Beijing may be accommodating to some of Hong Kong's democratic
pressures so long as its overriding authority is recognized. But optimism
must be based more on hope than on the facts - Beijing's unstinting
support for an administration and system that have rewarded insiders and
failed to deliver good governance. |
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