
Singapore shocker: Maid's day
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Philip Bowring MONDAY,
NOVEMBER 14, 2005
KONG Recent news out of Singapore caused jaws to drop:
Foreign domestic workers there may become entitled to one day off a
Stories of exploitation
and abuse of migrant workers, especially women, in the richer
countries of East Asia are so common as to barely elicit comment.
But the Singapore report set off a media debate about the wisdom of
allowing maids any days off. It emerged that it was common for maids
not to be allowed out at all, for fear that they might wind up
pregnant. Currently, an employer must pay a government fee, in
addition to food, housing and medical care - and repatriate any maid
who becomes pregnant. Many employers regard these impositions as
reason to deprive maids of the normal rights of adults.
"We can't control the
maids. So it's best that when we employ the maid, we tell the agent
we don't want to give days off," one employer wrote to a local
paper. A 2003 newspaper poll showed that 50 percent of maids got no
days off; a lucky 10 percent got one day a week.
The news also focused
attention on the role that foreign contract workers play in raising
the living standards of citizens of several countries. The Singapore
case stands out because of the wealth of the country, the size of
its foreign labor force, the racial identity of its domestic workers
and its strict regulation. Also highlighted was the widening income
gap generally and the relationship of income to ethnicity in a
society where the Malay 14 percent is well behind in earnings,
education and unemployment but has a fertility rate double that of
the Chinese majority.
Of a population of 4.35
million, 747,900 were nonresidents with various kinds of work
permits as of 2003. The number of nonresidents has more than doubled
since 1990, while the natural increase in the citizen population has
been small.
Some nonresidents are
professionals and their families, but most are manual workers, sex
workers and, by some estimates, about 150,000 domestic workers. The
latter are at the bottom of the underclass and are specifically
exempted from the Employment Act, which provides minimum days off
and maximum weekly hours.
Maids are allowed only
from specified Asian countries, with the Philippines, Indonesia and
Sri Lanka heading the list. Chinese are not on the list, which leads
some to allege that only "brown people" or those from non-Confucian
societies are to be employed in this most menial job. Like days off,
pay is subject to individual contract and varies widely; it probably
averages around 15 percent of the median income of Singaporeans in
full-time employment.
No middle-class home is
complete without a maid, which explains why the labor force
participation rate, at 64 percent, is one of the world's highest.
Exploitation of migrant
labor may be worse in countries like Malaysia and Thailand, where
law enforcement is lax. But in Hong Kong, the most comparable
territory, there is a minimum wage for domestic workers, and they
are entitled to one day off a week and all public holidays.
Admittedly, the law isn't rigorously enforced, and as everywhere,
maids are gouged by employment agencies. But social restrictions are
Singapore has been
making some effort to improve conditions. Prosecutions for abuse
have increased and the minimum age for maids raised to 23. However,
the one-day-a-month requirement will still be just a part of the
individual work contract, so the employee will have to initiate
action to enforce it. It can also be commuted to an overtime
Maids apart, the rise in
income inequality in Singapore has been of concern locally. The
government prevents the formation of ethnic low-income ghettos by
dispersing minorities around the public housing in which 78 percent
of the population live. Likewise, it seeks to keep religion from
becoming a public issue by stifling all debate in the name of
Singapore's success in
keeping the lid on its growing underclass is clear enough. But
behind the abundant prosperity, clean streets and superb
infrastructure is another Singapore of labor exploitation. In the
case of domestic workers, it is nothing less than shocking.
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